Friday, January 16, 2009

My first entry for this blog

Salam for all...Alhamdulillah syukur kerana dgn izin-Nya aku masih hidup hari ni...dan tiba-tiba
hatiku terdetik nak wat blog ni...sebelum ni pernah juga menulis guna blog yg provided by, tp mcm tak best here during my 2 weeks vacation to Turkey, i decided to open a blog account...even guna computer hotel ni...semangat betul

Entah la sama ada blog ni will be maintained or not..hope so tp tgklah mcmana nnt..In this first entry (start tulis 2 days lepas balik dublin), aku tak plan nak tulis panjang pun..nnt lah bila ada idea nnt..

Enough for now..till we meet again. Salam.


  1. Salaam...

    Nice blog alhamdulillah... who knows someone would be touched by ur writings.. so keep up the good work and istiqamah in the a'mal. Moga ia menjadi pemberat timbangan amal kamu.wslm.

    -ur primary school classmate-

  2. salam...thanks for the doa..insyaAllah =)
